To Be a Father

“Hey Crow!” It was a very familiar voice on the other end of the line.

“Who is this?” I could not bring the voice to a face, but I definitely had heard it before.

“It’s me, Rent! I found your number and decided to give you a call. It’s been awhile since I talked to you last. How has everything been going?” I felt stupid for not having recognized my best friend’s voice, in my defense, I had never talked to him on the phone before.

I told Rent how my life had turned around. That I hooked back up with Connie, had gotten engaged, and had a child on the way. He was very excited to hear that I was finally doing something good for myself. I decided not to tell him about the ordeal with Ashley, she was old news and I knew nothing more would ever come up again.

After I shared my news with him, he told me the real reason he had called. “My sister has taken a job as a news anchor back home in Appaloosa Plains. I don’t have any reason to be out here in Bridgeport anymore, so I figured I would see where your life was headed. It seems as though your planning to settle down now?”

“I haven’t decided yet. I would like to still tour, but I’m going to wait until after the baby is born and a little older. So for now, my plan is to just chill out here in Riverview.”

“Well, I was thinking, if it was cool with you, I could maybe come live with you for a little while. Maybe I can get my own place out there and find me a nice lady.” There was a bit of a pause, “I don’t think I want to live this life anymore. My lease ends in a couple of months, would you mind if I came then? I’d love to help with the baby.”

I didn’t want to seem over excited about it, “Sure, dude, that would be awesome. I can’t wait to see you again!”

We said our goodbyes and hung up.

I saved Rent’s number into my phone. With him coming to stay, I would need to clean out the guest room for him. That could wait until tomorrow. Today, I was going to go see my fiancé.

We went down to the river and had ourselves a little picnic. I told her about Rent coming and she seemed thrilled to finally get to meet him. I had told her about him and how I hoped to hear from him again someday, so she knew it was a big deal to me that he was going to come live with us for a while.

I told her that I was going to clean out the guest room, which was being used just for storage, and I was going to really rock it out for him. She begged me to let her help, which was uncalled for. I already had planned to ask her for her advice, I was no interior designer. I mentioned that while we were at it, we might as well go ahead and buy stuff for the baby. I was planning on turning my art studio into a child’s room, since I never used it anyways, but I wanted to wait until the baby was older before I did that.

After our lunch, we went out to a movie and then rode over to her house in my limo. I was walking her to the door when I saw her sister come out. She looked over at Connie.

I was worried that Ashley might say something mean, but she just smiled at her. “You look so pretty Connie. Your body is really handling the pregnancy well.”

Connie laughed a little, “I know. I’m so glad that I haven’t had any sickness or anything. I’m sure that will change as the baby gets bigger.”

We ended up all standing outside talking. After what seemed like hours, Connie told us that she was cold and wanted to go inside. I gave her a goodnight kiss and told her that I would come get her tomorrow so we could go shopping. She went inside and I was left alone in the yard with Ashley.

I started walking to the limo when she called out, “Crow, Wait”. I turned around, not sure what evil thing she was going to do. When I looked to her face, though, I saw tears sliding down her cheeks. “What’s wrong Ashley?” I hated to see a woman cry, even if I did hate this woman.

“I’m pregnant.” She said, as she wiped away the tears, “I can’t say for sure if it’s yours, but I’m just letting you know. I’m just as far along as Connie is. I haven’t told her yet, I wanted to see what you thought first.”

I covered my face with my hands. Ashley tried to comfort me, but there was nothing that could assist me at the moment.

“I never meant for this to happen. I was just so jealous of you and Connie. I’ve always had the biggest crush on you, but I just never knew how to tell you. I finally had something I could use against you, and afterwards I felt horrible. I planned on staying out of your life, but I guess fate wanted me in it. What do you want me to do?” She was being honest and sincere for once. I could tell she really hadn’t wanted this to happen.

“Just don’t tell Connie it could be my baby.”

“Babies.” Ashley corrected, “I’m having twins. The tech heard two heartbeats when I had my ultrasound.”

I was in shock. Could I possibly be the father of three kids? They were due the same time, things were just getting worse. “Go ahead and tell her your pregnant, she will need to know. I just ask that you let me tell her if they end up being mine.”

She agreed and I gave her a hug before I left. After all we have been through, I would never be able to hate those babies, even if their mother was an evil witch.

The months went by and eventually the day came that Rent was to come and live with me. I waited patiently on the porch for him to arrive. Finally, the cab showed up, and I saw Rent’s rainbow mohawk appear. He had only one bag with him, but when he saw me he put it down and ran over.

He swung his arms around me and gave me a quick squeeze. “Man, it’s so awesome to see you again! I’ve been going crazy by myself since you left!”

We stood outside and talked for a few hours. It was great to actually see him in person again. I told him that Ashley was pregnant too, and she was having twins. I made sure to mention they might not be mine, but it didn’t stop Rent from freaking out.

“How did you let this happen! You know it’s going to ruin your life with Connie if they are yours!”

I was fully aware of the issues that would arise if the babies were mine, but I just wanted some positive thoughts. I told Rent what I had left out before, he didn’t seem too thrilled about what had happened. “It sounds to me like Ashley did this on purpose.”

I told him that she seemed truely upset over it and he assured me that he would stick by me even if things went to shit. I was thankful to have a friend like him.

That night, Connie came over to meet Rent. They seemed to hit it off really well. I went inside to pee, and when I was heading back outside to join them, I saw him playing peek-a-boo with Sprinkle.

I smiled, maybe Ashley was carrying my twins, maybe she wasn’t. That didn’t even matter, because what I had, was a wonderful fiancé and best friend. It was a thousand times better because they got along great also.

Connie and I showed Rent upstairs to his room. He had only been expecting a small room with a bed and dresser. When he saw what we had done for him, he totally freaked out.

“This is more than I could have ever hoped. You guys are so awesome! This is freaking SWEET!” He ran all over the room checking out every detail. I put my arm around Connie and whispered into her ear, “You did good, hunni.”

Rent and I got along great, we hung out with Connie every day. He didn’t want to come to the ultrasounds with us, but it was a nice alone time to have with each other. We decided not to find out the gender of the baby, since we already had gotten everything that was needed for the frist couple of months, it wasn’t really going to matter if it was a girl or a boy.

Ashley’s pregnancy was going well also. The twins were looking great and were growing well. She had kept her promise and had only told Connie that she wasn’t sure of the father. When Connie told me Ashley was pregnant, I put up my best surprised face.

Connie went into labor at 30 weeks along. It was a bit early, but everything went swimmingly and after 12 hours in the delivery room, I was presented a tiny baby wrapped in a blue blanket. He looked so much like his mother, but had a small tuft of black hair on his head.

He was one hundred percent adorable, and after two weeks of him being in the NICU (neonatal intensive care unit), we were allowed to take him home with us. We named him Raven Jay Greymane. While Connie had been in the hospital, Rent helped me get her moved into my home. It was wonderful to finally have my family altogether in the same house.

Ashley had a scheduled cesarean section (C-section) at 35 weeks; that is when babies are technically at full development. With her carrying twins, they didn’t want to risk pushing her past that marker. I wasn’t there for the surgery, she braved the cold operating room alone, but produced two beautiful little girls. The day they were born, she had them tested for paternity. She had decided to give them her last name until we found out the father; I told her if they were mine I did not want to give them my name. Ashley was upset, but agreed.

A few weeks later, I received a call from her that they were indeed my babies. My heart sank, deep down I knew all along they were mine. I was going to have to step up and be a father to them as well, even if they didn’t live with me. I went over that night and met my little girls.

Catherine Lee Sherrice was the first-born. She had dark skin like me and my brown eyes.

Then there was Kia May Sherrice, she was a tad smaller than Catherine was. She had her mother’s fair skin and my dark eyes.

I loved those little girls the minute I saw them. I just wished they could have come to me in better circumstance.

As I walked home that night, I my gut ached knowing that I would have to tell Connie. I just wasn’t sure how to do it and still be able to save my relationship with her.

Chapter Ten: Spiraling Down

4 responses to “To Be a Father

  • Jazen

    That is so sad. I still think she set him up from the beginning, this was no accident. Connie is not going to take it well I just don’t see her as being understanding to him sleeping with her sister, the same night he had just been with her. He would have been much better off just telling her he whored around while on tour at least then it wouldn’t have been with her sister and it wouldn’t have been while they were together.

    I don’t see a happy ending for Josh. 😦

    • ArtistKate

      Yeah, I don’t really know why I made him sleep with Ashley, but she ended pregnant. I was really shocked when she had twins. Luckily Joshua did end up with a son, so I don’t have to make him pop out any more kids. (All my heirs will be male.)
      You will get to see his cute babies as toddlers in the next chapter I think. It depends on how I end up writing it. His son is absolutely adorable though!
      I haven’t decided yet if Rent should have a family of his own. I think it would be cute to see Rent babies, but Idk, we’ll see.

  • 11daisies

    I knew Ashley was up to no good! I don’t trust her new attitude. She might still cause trouble between Connie and Josh. I don’t think that Connie will get over her sister also having children with Josh!

    The babies are adorable.

    I’m glad you kept Rent in the story. Joshua definitely needs a good friend.
    At least he’s still happy for now!

    • ArtistKate

      Ashley does seem to be hiding something… hmmmm…
      And no, Connie will definately not like it, especially cuz the babies are only 5 weeks apart!
      I like having Rent too. He will become a very important person in the story soon.

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